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parenting coaching

We offer one to one coaching for parents who would value space to reflect on the job of parenting. We know that this job is the hardest job we will ever do, and in todays society, often fragmented and away from our extended families it can feel very isolating.

Using our Connect.Relate.Communicate.for Parents Model © we will help guide you from striving to thriving as a parent!

Workplace coaching

One to one coaching offered around improving workplace cohesion and job satisfaction. This is usually short term in nature, with the number of sessions based on needs and goals. 

Our Coaching is based on our Connect. Relate. Communicate. Model ©. Identifying alongside with the client current patterns of relating and communicating to understand how this can be adapted and improved.  

This can be in conjunction with our workshops and is provided to both individuals and organisations. 


Coaching can benefit the individual with feeling supported, developed, and more fulfilled at work. Focusing on resilience in times of transition and conflict. 


We focus on increasing 

  • self awareness 

  • social support network

  • clear communication

  • creating confidence 

  • openness in relationships - building mutual trust and respect

  • Solving problems that are holding you back (working with stuckness)

  • learning new skills 

  • making better decisions 

  • progression in your career


We have created an easy to implement and accessible support service. This can be tailored to your organizations needs and can be delivered face to face and online. 


Benefits for organisations include


  • Increased job satisfaction for the individual

  • Improving engagement and motivation. 

  • Increased staff retention 

  • Building a good reputation as a employer. 

  • Smoother transitions during periods of change. 

Coaching is not a substitute for Therapy. This service would not offer a formal Mental Health Assessment. There is no focus on personal life,  or personal relationships outside of work. As a part of this service we can signpost and advise if further support or IPT Psychotherapy would be suitable for the individual. 

Image by Toa Heftiba
Hands Pattern

Emma is fantastic, her knowledge and experience added value to the IPT sessions

Alice helped me through a very difficult chapter in my life. I felt completely broken prior to seeing Alice, however, very soon into the processI started to feel better about things. The support, advice and techniques provided by Alice helped heal the trauma and I felt a new person by the end of the process. I can t speak Highly enough for the help I was given, it literally saved my life.

Emma has been an enormous help in improving the very difficult relationship I have with my dad

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